Welcome to the Animated Patient® – an interactive, visual, outcomes-focused learning series!

Today’s patients need reliable, practical education to make informed decisions with their doctor to achieve best outcomes in managing their disease. Medical information can be overwhelming for patients.
The Animated Patient® is a highly visual format of learning addressing many disease conditions. Our education resources are guided by leading experts who provide the very best guidance. Our mission is to help you attain the very best quality of life, and health outcomes in managing your disease.

To date the Animated Patient® series has educated more than 40 million persons in the United States and worldwide.

The Animated Patient® is a unique patient health education series which provides a novel approach to patient learning.


Visual Learning: "Visuals have proven to be a valuable asset in building patient-physician communications, enhancing patient education, and improving the informed consent process because patients are better able to grasp the implications of their condition, prognosis, and treatment options.” 7

Featured Video from the

Animated Patient’s Guide to Understanding Pancreatic Diseases

This resource is intended for patients with diseases of the pancreas. Easy-to-understand animations with audio narration, expert videos, patient experience videos, slide shows, and many downloads on major pancreatic disease topics are available to you. You are invited to provide feedback to help direct future content as this site becomes part of your personal information resource on diseases of the pancreas.

This educational activity has been developed by: The National Pancreas Foundation and Mechanisms in Medicine Inc.

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Our Awards

Gold Award – Web-based Digital Health: Web-based Resource / Tool category in the Fall 2021 Digital Health Awards competition

7th Annual NAMEC Award:
Best Practice in Collaboration Among CME Stakeholders

American College of Gastroenterology
3rd Annual SCOPY Award: Best Patient Education Website

Merit Award – Web-based Digital Health: Website category in the Spring 2020 Digital Health Award competition

Silver Award – Web-based Digital Health: Web-based Resource / Tool category in the Spring 2022 Digital Health Awards competition

Bronze Award – Web-based Digital Health: Web-based Resource / Tool category in the Spring 2024 Digital Health Awards competition